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Is it necessary to scrape the area with a razor before application? 

No, it is not necessary. Before applying X ULTRA Hybrid Alexandrite Laser, it will be sufficient to shorten the hairs on the skin surface with a trimmer and make 1-2 mm visible. 

Is the application painful? 

X ULTRA Hybrid Alexandrite Laser protects the skin by blowing cold air. The intensity and sharpness of cold air reduces the feeling of pain to almost zero. 

Can Only Physicians Use the Device? 

X ULTRA Hybrid Alexandrite Laser can be used legally by physicians as well as estheticians in beauty salons.  

Is Skin Cooling by Blowing Cold Air the Ideal Skin Cooling Method? 

Yes, Cold Air Blowing is the most Effective and Safe cooling method. While the skin surface is cooled, the hair follicles remain warm. The skin is protected while providing effective application. Cold weather If we compare the blowing skin cooling method with other methods;

Contact Cooling (ice cap) reduces the effectiveness by deeply cooling the skin and hair follicles. Cooling by spraying gas 

It can cause frostbite and reduces effectiveness by reflecting laser beams back. As a result, Cold Air Blowing is the most ideal skin cooling method. 

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